Sunday, August 29, 2010

facebook is trend

Antara perkara yang membuatkan aku geli bila bercakap tentang facebook :

1.Status makwe dan pakwe yang saling cinta-mencintai seperti 'Good morning fiance' atau 'My ada dalam hati Dy'. Aku geli habis bila baca. Write pula on the wall of each other. No need to show the world how much both of you in love lah. We already saw the engaged with who in your profile (tapi aku baca gak. Sebabnya, kadang-kadang aku suka dan perlu rasa geli itu. Dan lagi, aku ada cerita nak kutuk mereka dengan orang lain yang kenal mereka)

2.Orang yang click ‘like’ to their own status, link, photos etc. Kelakar!

3.Boyfriend/girlfriend, Fiance/fiancée yang suka status, link or photos of each other. Sungguh cliché! (aku tak kisah kalau suami isteri)

4.Status seperti ‘Today’s Lunch: Nasi ayam, Air Oren’ or ‘at mamak eating Maggi kembang’ (ok, sekadar rekaan)… who in the world wants to know what or where you eat for lunch. ok, mungkin ada. but every time you eat? No, thanks.

5.Status ‘zzzzzzz….’ Sungguh tak perlu!

6.Status yang mengutuk tempat kerja. Tak senonoh, makan gaji gak!

7.Ex-girlfriend yang stalk facebook ex-boyfriend yang dah ada makwe lain and vice-versa. Get a life, he’s so over you!

8.Mereka yang upload gambar makanan setiap kali makan di tempat-tempat favourite dan tagged kawan-kawan with a tagline ‘nyum.. nyum..’. pwtttt ~ sebab aku takde masa nak pegi makan kat situ.

9.Mereka yang update status every 2 minutes. Gila crazy. Takde kerja ke apa?

10.Status seperti ‘hmmm... should I break with him or not’. Kejadah? Do I even know him?

11.Status ibu-ibu muda yang baru lepas bersalin. Selain dari tak habis-habis upload gambar baby, status setiap jam bertukar. ‘sara berak’ ‘sara mandi’ ‘sara minum susu’ ‘sara dah ada gigi’. Adoi, penat aku ‘jaga’ sara kau ni. Bukan nak dengki kau dah ada family sendiri, tapi tulis la sesuatu yang lucu untuk memulakan hari aku yang bujang ni.

12.Status sakit seperti‘hari ini demam’ or ‘got mc today’. memang sakit nak minta simpati.

Anyway, most of the thing yang menggelikan of course la status update. Ada juga orang yang jadi glamour kerana facebook. Bayangkan, just a normal human being living life. Not penyanyi, not ahli sukan. But the next day, a facebook page has been set up for you, by someone who hates your status. And the page has 10,000 facebookers yang click ‘like’. Wow, bukan senang ada 10 ribu orang kat Malaysia yang kenal kau yang takde bakat apa-apa selain daripada mengutuk agama, negeri or bangsa.

Facebook memperkenalkan privacy setting. Facebookers boleh memilih nak bagi siapa tengok status update or even our entire wall. Seperti kes budak Salleh Gregor tu, I think orang yang capture print screen page his facebook status is someone not so close to him, considered there’s only one mutual friend. I don’t give a damn about a spoil kid like this. Their mind is still young. Their experience has yet to come. And thus they had their own judgment about religion, faith and god according to their level of thinking and experience. Well, screw you Kid! You should set the status private. So it can viewed by your only closest friend that shared your ludicrous judgment of religion.

But the most outrageous status is by the pregnant woman from Kedah lives in Johor Bahru. She rise to fame by complaining about Johor having only one Famous Amos shop and adds a preposterous word that sparks controversy among Johorian. Well, needless to say, she is so famous than Famous Amos. Pictures of her profile with her kid are everywhere. Bloggers talk about her. Johorian set up a HATE page for her in facebook. Hey woman … do explore the privacy setting next time.

Aku nak belajar cara-cara meng- hack facebook account. Ada sesiapa boleh ajar? (tanduk kat kepala is to keep the ‘halo’ up high).

4 Minds has comment:

Hellioz said...

facebook whore.
been writing em a couple of times.

Anonymous said...


Cik Pea said...

miahahaha... geli hati aku baca jie...

Anonymous said...

Glad it made your day, mie.