A few days ago, I went for lunch with my officemate somewhere in Sungai Besi area. After lunch, she wants to buy Kuih Apam Balik. It’s a narrow road, penuh sesak dengan kenderaan dan takde tempat parking, and so aku terpaksa turun while she waits in the car. I went to the Apam Balik stall across the road and found an old man and a lady whom I think is Indonesian and probably his helper. I said I want the bigger Apam Balik. There’s only one left. She said okay, and to my utter dismay gets the Apam Balik with her bare hands. HER BARE HANDS, FOR GOD SAKE! I despise people who touch the food with their bare hands especially those yang selling the food. Many times I encounter these so-called situations. And every time I just watch helplessly. I positively thought that there will be no harm on eating it since everyone does the same. When my officemate offered me the Apam Balik, I just said ‘No, Thank you’.
Another time in Bazaar Ramadhan, I went buy some kuih. The girl did wear plastic glove but then with that plastic glove she touches everything else includes the money. A money had gone through many hands includes those touches or selling food you didn’t eat. How unclean is that? Many times I was tempted to ask them to change the food and use a clean plastic glove or just tell them ‘tak mau la, you dah pegang with your bare hands. Dah kotor!’ But of course I never heard anyone ever condemn about that so I thought it would be unnecessary to cause a scene. I just gave jelingan tajam yang to them is worthy not more than seringgit.
Well, of course I didn’t get diarrhea eating those foods but then why waiting to get one if you can prevent it, yes? Its sure is hard growing up with a father who will scold you when you touch your own food walaupun makanan tersebut hanya masuk perut sendiri.
Layan Wayang: Joker
5 years ago
2 Minds has comment:
ngih ngeh ngoh ngeh...
me also don't like this situation. thats why bila ada customer buy kueh kat my stall, i use sepit kueh. baru ler terjamin tak kotor. daripada menggunakan glove plastic tu baek pakai sepit kueh. insyaAllah hopefully la...
kalau kene kat aku, kadang aku pon diam je. kadang bila angin tak betul aku tegur je. tp most of the time mmg diam je ler. lgpon, ini yg dinamakan budaya rakyat malaysia. bila dah prihatin, prihatin sgt. bila x, mmg lgsg xprihatin.
ngeh ngeh ngeh~
that's malaysian for you. haha.
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