Monday, April 12, 2010

the biggest religion in this world called FOOTBALL

Haish ~ lama sungguh tak update.

Beberapa hari yang lepas, aku nampak iklan World Cup di tv. Dalam hati ‘heh, baru nampak batang hidung’. Years ago in 2006, the World Cup celebration came years before, terasa bahangnya walaupun game belum start. Mungkinkah kerana World Cup kali ini diadakan di suatu tempat yang tak berapa glamour, i.e South Africa? Atau aku je yang rasa tak glamour sebab aku tak minat watching 22 men chasing a black and white ball that if ever an alien invade earth, it will question ‘why must men fighting over one ball’? Don’t they have their own err... balls? Dengar berita, masih ada 500, 000 tiket belum terjual. Yang bangang pegi jual tiket secara online kat negara miskin mcm tu buat apa?

Anyway, bila nampak iklan tu, kawan aku yang turut sama menonton tv pun berkata, ‘wey, aku harap Manchester United menang world cup tahun ni’. Aku pandang dia dengan pandangan yang berkata ‘ko-lebih-ngok-daripada-penganjur-yang-jual-tiket-online’. Walaupun aku bukan lah orangnya yang stay-up until wee hours in the morning just to watch the game held in other part of the world, aku tetap ada rasa ingin tahu siapa menang, siapa kalah, siapa jaring gol… dan World Cup is not about Football Club. Bukan nak tahu David Beckham ada jaringkan gol ke tak (tak kira team mana yg main).

Musim bola tahun 2006, aku tinggal bersama kakak dan abang ipar yang hantu bola. Ketika menjaga kakak yang sedang tunggu hari nak bersalin di PPUM, abang ipar ternampak satu rancangan tv yang mana wartawan akan menemuramah sesiapa sahaja secara rawak. Maka, adalah minah ni... kena tanya, ‘pasukan Negara mana yang anda rasa akan menang match kali ini?’ Minah tu jawab ‘tak kisah lah, yang penting dapat tengok David Beckham’. The match is between Portugal and France. I’m not really a fan of Les Bleus, but surely David Beckham doesn’t sound French to me (ok, takde kaitan).

Anyway, my brother-in-law came home that afternoon and gave me a stack of magazines, all about football. He said ‘if ever a reporter interview you and ask about this World Cup things, don’t embarrass me by knowing only David Beckham. Football is not about him.’ But then, my sister said, it is about David Beckham. Nonetheless, he put a match schedule in front of my room. My duty is to put the score in each box, while he accompanies my sister in labour room. Dutifully, I put the score of every match… which mean, I had to stay-up until late midnight. I did cheat some times. I phone my friends or I just watch the news.

Sebelum World Cup 2006 bermula, berikut adalah perbualan aku dengan Abang Ipar.

Abg Ipar: Which one is your favorite team?
Aku: urmm… it’s between Japan and Korea
Abg Ipar: (look at me dengan hidung berasap) you think this is some sort of Korean Drama with predictable storyline or Japanese animation with a handsome bloke doing kungfu?’
Aku: err… Kungfu kat China kot
Abg Ipar: Whatever… (Put a match schedule in front of my room). Put every score of every match!
Aku: (dalam hati) Mesti cari boyfriend ~

Aku dapat boyfriend yang tak suka tengok bola, tapi suka F1.

Musim bola tiba lagi. Yang kerja kat kedai mamak tambah shift. Mesti bising, susah nak tidur bila jiran atas bawah apartment melalak tiap kali bola ditendang masuk pintu. Nasib baik aku dah ada kereta nak ke office.

2 Minds has comment:

The Informist said...

yup man has balls...and? Not all man like football. Because football is not a gentlemen game, rugby was! And F1 also!

Anonymous said...

rugby is a gentlemen game? which part of the game can be describe as gentle anyway? hehe~ yeah!! F1 for me.