Monday, January 18, 2010

a little late celebration

It's New Year. Gosh! It's 2010. Time for new resolution, but I guess mine will be the same as last year and the year before. Last New Year of 2009, I said I wanted to be the best of everything for someone, and it turns out I am indeed the best but that someone isn't the best for me. You see, human problem is, when they gave something away, they expect the same thing or more will be given to them in return.

Can't we just give something unconditionally and still be happy about it? So this year I'll stick to the same resolution and added some ‘sugar’ to it. I'm going to be the best of everything to someone without expecting anything in return, unconditionally. Even if the end doesn't favor me (which I can already see coming with warning), I will still be happy about it. I wanted something to remember for a lifetime, like a memoir collector.

The cellar door and rainbow is celebrating her life.

5 Minds has comment:

The Informist said...

Happy belated new year...he..he..

Anonymous said...

hehe~ Happy New Year!

Cik Pea said...

hoho... Happy new year jie! Moga yang baik2 dan terbaik utk ko sepanjang tahun ni... dan tahun2 akan datang... insyaAllah....

Anonymous said...

same goes to you, mie! dan semoga ko bertemu jodoh tahun ni.. ahaks~

Cik Pea said...

hahaha! dah bertemu jodoh la... ayat ko patut bunyi mcm ni jie... semoga aku menamatkan zaman bujang aku tahun neh... haha... ;'P