Monday, July 20, 2009

the day you were born

Sigh. They say, it's just another number. The fact is, it's another year added to your age. Again, sigh.

I hate cakes on birthday, except the one in my Uni years.
I even hate surprise and birthday party. Silly and ridiculous. (well, except the one my friend gave me in my Uni years)

When you were born in my culture as a girl, another number to your age will mean people around you will start whispering. The odd damned thing is, they'll whispering when your parents or any of your family members are around too.

I couldn't care less about this 'moving numbers'. Jeezz.. Haha.
Honestly, I'm angry. I'm sad. Not because of the number start adding his friends but because the day he's expected to come is the day I expected my usually Belligerence and Moodiness self to be at least happy and smile for urmm.. maybe 10 seconds. And most of all able to say Thank you and Smile to the wishers instead of stuck-out my tounge.

I'm sad because the 'happy-ness' did came but didn't last long enough for me to smile the next day. Sigh.

3 Minds has comment:

Cik Pea said...

woh jie... aku keterlupaan... sori my dear... hepi belated birthday to u dear... aku pon amat tidak suka bila hari ulang tahun kelahiran aku tiba...melaenkan aku dah berumahtangga... keadaan tu pasti berubah... tak gitu jie...

The Informist said...

biler tuh..? kalau tau dah send present dah.

Anonymous said...

Cik Pea : Kalau dah berumahtangga tu pasti gumbira la.. sebab ada org yg akan kongsi ur happiness.

The Informist : Urmm.. sudah berlalu hehe. Last sunday. The 19th day of this month.