I spend weekend at home. Tidying up and doing all the chores I haven’t had time to do. I even watched DVD, something I hadn’t done in a long time since my DVD player broken last year. (I thought I just bought it last 2 years, betul-betul cap ayam). I bought new one anyway. I hope something as recognizable as Sony won’t disappoint me.
I watched the ’10 Promises to My Dog’. What a breathtaking story. Simple, momentous yet memorable. It’s a story about a girl who found a puppy lost in the backyard of her house when her father was busy working as doctor and her mother dying of fatal disease in the same hospital. She decide to kept the puppy and made a promise to it in the presence of her dying mother which later revealed that it’s her mother asking for the dog’s original owner to give one of his newborn puppy to her daughter. The puppy was named ‘socks’ after the paws which looked like they had white socks on. When the girls grow up and became a veterinary, her feelings and interest moves away from socks. Their distance grows when she moves to a far off city leaving Socks behind with her Dad.
Watching this makes my mind pondering to my childhood years. I grew up with dogs too (and cats too). And lots of them have been with me through my younger, bitter yet memorable years. (Warning: don’t preach me how haram the dog is. Wrong place and wrong person for your oh-so-gullible knowledge of religious matter. Tehee)
The first dog came to my knowledge is a childhood friends named Kobi and Chiki. A loyal servant to their masters Kobi likes to chase after the rooster and Chiki loves to bath by itself. Kobi has golden fur and Chiki has brown fur. When both grew old and can no longer bark strangers on the street, my father tried to get rid of them. Kobi has been left on the street where no one lives. Maybe a hundred kilometers away from home. Kobi make it home after 3 days. Both died of natural death.
Another dog named well… Dog. Like Madonna’s song with the title well… music. It’s like making a film with the title well… movie. Dog has orange color fur. This dog has live its life through 3 generations of my family. I remember of its fur turn grey and eventually white because of its age. Most dogs have life-span of 10 to 15 years, but Dog has lived miraculously for 20 years. It died of natural death.
Many of these furry friends of mine have their own character. I remembered one of them named Putih (because of its white fur) loves to plant the seeds of palm tree. It’s intriguing to see him korek tanah with its legs, place the seed from its mouth and cover the seed with soil with its nose. One day, we realize he’s missing and after a few days just when we thought it had died, he came home and that moment when we knew it had been on a long journey to my grandparents’ house (10 kilometers away) to see his true love. Her named is Karagalu. What an exotic name it has. Putih will be home by weekend and he loves to played hero by climbing up himself every time my father started the engine of his lorry. Putih died peacefully after weeks suffering from his eyes bitten by a snake from one of his journey. His brood continues their father’s legacy. That was before digital camera came to my knowledge.
The recent furry friends at home are female dogs (I never care to know what type of dogs they are. They're friends with lots of fur). These two female dogs (one of them is now deceased) have flirting away uncontrollably, and thus expanding their offspring. The broods however never make it to adult dog. Most of it died of illnesses and accidents.

Narutulu loves the cats. An example of the proverb ‘Bagaikan anjing dengan kucing’ Dah tak boleh di guna pakai dah. The cats was named: Silow (mean ‘yellowish’ in my native language, because of its fur)
Friends where you can say whatever you want and they will listen without complain is one of the significant ingredient that makes up for a beautiful life.
P/S: Any story involved pets (especially dog) and a relationship revolved around son-father or daughter-father, grandfather and grandmother to their grandchild will bring my tears down. Romantic movies even with sad ending always fail to do so. I wonder if there's something wrong with me?
2 Minds has comment:
hey...its normal for u to cry when u watch sad movie...most of people cry when they watch sad story... (including me)..there is no something wrong with u... so cheer it up... wink2~
Huhu. Sian anjing dia. sob..sob.. sob..
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